InExit 2. Music Animation. 2021

The music animation InExit 2 gives a glimpse into my upcoming Chicago group-exhibition “On Big Drawings- making art in times of rapid change, which will be online in the near future.

The show is curated by Friedhard Kiekeben/Jennifer Shaw.

Something has happened to drawing. It has been snatched back from the amateur sketcher and the art school copyist; excused from the politeness of the drawing room and the perfunctoriness of the drawing-board.

The film is my visual and J. Peter Schwalms musical take on the pandemic we are all still in.


Supported by „Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen“ of the Hessische Kulturstiftung.




InExit 2
Germany 2021
Digital animation
Length: 2:09 m

Drawings/Editing: Daniel Hartlaub
Music (video): J. Peter Schwalm